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Tea and Coffee making facilities, paper, drawing implements, ink, glue, magazines for collaging, zines for reading, photocopier, scanner, printer and wireless internet.


Thursday - making activity themes: reading zines, warm up drawing and writing exercises, collage, photocopy experiments

9am - Venue opens, tea and coffee making facilities. Drawing, writing, blogging and general making commences
9.30am - Screenings
12 midday – lunch – bring your lunch while we talk food blogs and recipe zines.
8pm – Skype interview (interviewer and interviewee TBC)
9pm –  venue closes and documentation of the day's activities are loaded up on this blog and the Junction 2010 blog.

Friday - making activity themes: reading zines, warm up drawing and writing exercises, collage, photocopy

9am - Venue opens, tea and coffee making facilities. Drawing, writing, blogging and general making  commences
9.30am - Screenings
12 midday – lunch – bring your lunch
8pm – Skype interview (interviewer and interviewee TBC)
9pm – venue closes and documentation of the day's activities are loaded up on this blog and the Junction 2010 blog.

Saturday - making activity themes: zine reading, collage, drawing, writing, layout, printing, collating.

9am - Venue opens, tea and coffee making facilities. Drawing, writing, blogging and general making  commences
9.30am - Screenings
12 midday – lunch – bring your lunch
8pm – Skype interview (interviewer and interviewee TBC)
9pm – venue closes and documentation of the day's activities are loaded up on this blog and the Junction 2010 blog.

Sunday - making activity themes: collating, stapling, addressing envelopes.

9am - Venue opens, tea and coffee making facilities. Drawing, writing, blogging and general making  commences
9.30am - Screenings
12 midday – lunch. Swapping of zines made and launch of collaborative zine
2pm – venue closes, everyone go to the closing events!